Monday, May 25, 2015

THANKS, Scrooge McDucey! online content editor Jessica Suerth reported, on May 23rd,
PHOENIX -- The job market in Phoenix is steadily declining, according to the Phoenix Business Journal.
Phoenix ranked No. 42 out of the top 50 U.S. job markets in a recent study from, citing a high dissatisfaction with jobs and a low quality of life.
Granted, Scrooge McDucey's only been on the job for a few months, but he has only doubled down on the austerity his predecessor and the previous legislature imposed. Most notably by unabashedly cutting every level of public education and the taxes necessary to fund the investments that actually could attract quality, high-paying jobs.

At least Brewer fought in favor of the Medicaid restoration, necessary especially to keep rural hospitals in business.

McDucey, along with Senate President Andy Biggshot and House Speaker David "Big Spender" Gowan (on vanity items for the House of Representatives) refuse to invest in ANY level of public education in our state. Just how much fiscal sense does it make to cut Temporary Assistance for Needy Families when these bozos are doing everything possible to pour water on any economic spark that might be trying to ignite in our state?

Even more egregious, they implemented measures tightening Obamacare (the Medicaid restoration) that will -- absolutely -- put immense financial strain on rural health care facilities. That, in turn, will dramatically impact in a most serious and negative way, availability of health care services and hospitals.

Now, tell me, HOW in the hot summer desert could this change the course of Arizona's economy?

Well, the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) thinks it has a plan. It's called Velocity. But there's no way any version of austerity is going to make either the job outlook or quality of life any better for you or me.
Velocity was developed by a group of business, community and education leaders gathered by the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, in partnership with the Brookings Institution and support from the Stanford Research Institute. The organization is dedicated to increasing the number of advanced industry jobs and the talent to fill those jobs in the Greater Phoenix region. 
Now, the spin doctors at GPEC think that sounds inspiring. But look beneath the surface and you have to ask, "what about the people already here?" That makes their little cosmetic line of bullshit "stink to high heaven," as my parents used to say.

This is but one more reason for a #RecallScroogeMcDucey campaign to begin as soon as it is lawfully allowable. That would be right after the Fourth of July. The corporate media won't mind because they'll get millions of dollars from the Kochtopus.


Today it is a case of the grasshopper pitted against the elephant. But tomorrow the elephant will have its guts ripped out. Le Loi, Vietnamese emperor, 15th Century.

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